The landslide damage in Halden


Land slide in Halden. Photo.

Photo: Ståle Solem Ingebrigtsen/ The Norwegian Natural Perils Pool.

At the end of April, a large landslide occurred in Halden, where a section of the mountain slid out and damaged a factory building. Inside the building there is production equipment that was also hit by the landslide.

The costs of the material damage have previously been estimated to be in the order of NOK 900 million. Information as of October shows that the loss could be in excess of 1.2 billion.

About the Norwegian Natural Perils Pool

Buildings and contents that are insured against fire damage through house and contents insurance are automatically also insured against natural damage. This follows from the Natural Damage Insurance Act. In the event of damage, customers contact their own insurance company.

Natural damage means damage that is directly caused by a natural disaster, such as landslides, storms, floods, storm surges, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves and meteorite impacts.

All insurance companies that offer fire insurance in Norway are members of the Norwegian Natural Perils Pool.